Friday, 23 March 2012

Now the weather is picking up we are enjoying our walks even more, we are regular visitors down to our local bridge where the children enjoy running under it and down by the river. There are hardly any cars so they have complete run of the track and they really enjoy jumping off anything they see that is high enough :-)
This is S and H and one of their friends showing off their skills :-)

Well I have now taken Sapphire swimming for the first time and she loved it, we lasted in the pool for half an hour but when she started to turn blue I thought it was a good idea to get out. We will be going again next week.
My mum has knitted Sapphire her first cardigan, the photos will follow when I can get them from her, since my phone landed in a cup of coffee I can't take pictures.
I am lucky enough to have my friend next door who loves to take photos, she has taken some fantastic ones of Sapphie and I have to share this one with you because it has to be my all time favourite one :-)
As my family will tell you, my bottom lip was always out as a child and my sisters would probably tell you that it still is stuck out.
Anyway Sapphie has her first visit with her pediatrician on Wednesday and I am certain that it will go really well :-). I will be back on to let you know how she gets on.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Somedays are worse then other days. I find that some days things make me really wonder about what Sapphire's life will be like, I know I over think things but I would say any one with children always wonders what they will be when they grow up? will they be happy? and many more questions go through your minds. This sounds so silly but I watched Glee and there is a girl on there who has down syndrome, basically a boy told her he couldn't go out with her and she said " is it because I am so intimidating" and he said "yes". When she walked away she said the question she wanted to ask was "is it because I have downs", she went onto say that she already knew the answer and that she knew it was yes and she began to cry, I have to say it really did hit home and I found myself crying too, all we as parents want to do is protect our children, I know many people will say it is only a programme and not true but if we are honest with ourselves then we all know how cruel people and life can be and I just pray that Sapphire doesn't constantly meet heart ache.

On a more positive note Saf is now 10lbs, she has had her first jabs and she definitely let the people know in the surgery that she was there. She is now smiling and oh goodness her smile melts my heart.
Harmony has shared her rules with Sapphire about how ahe has to behave when she sits on her knee which made me laugh, she was having a conversation with Saf and Saf just looked at her and smiled and then pulled her hair :-) Harmony had to then go on and tell her that this too was not allowed while she was sat on her knee :-).