Well what a busy few days we have had. We have started healthy eating and I am cooking from scratch, if you knew me you would know that is a big step up to take aways and frozen meals :-) not sure that the children are enjoying it as much as I am though.
As you can see from the photo above Sapphire is now smiling and she is also cooing (obviously you can't see this in the photo :-)). The health visitor has been out and she is meeting all her milestones. She is now 9lb 1 oz so she is putting weight on nicely (I am putting that down to my homemade cooking). Much to my mums delight I haven't given into the temptation of a dummy.
We have had visits the past few days from my friends who I used to work with years ago at a sewing factory, they have had lots of cuddles and totally adored Sapphire
As you can see while Sapphire was getting all these cuddles her sisters and friends were really busy doing this, I believe we have too much technology in this house :-)
As well as being busy with visitors I have been reading, I was given some good advice from another parent who has a young baby with Downs and that was, not to read any of the books that are available as most of them are out of date, she told me to buy a book called "Gifts", it is written by 63 parents who have children with downs and it is their own stories about how they came to terms with the news and it has been inspirational to me. It made me feel less guilty about how upset I had been when I got the news of Sapphires condition because what I have read so far they reacted in a similar way. I just want to say that at first when I had her I found it hard to see past her condition and see her as a baby and the guilt I felt about this was intense but that feeling doesn't last for long.
Sapphire wore her first dress today as S and H wanted to dress her up, can I say the headband didn't last long, she soon took it out by wriggling her head until it was out and I can't say I blame her.
Sapphire is still struggling with bringing her wind up, so I am hoping her new chair will help that as it vibrates so I am hoping it will break it up for her.
Summer is spending lots of time snuggling her but unfortunately Harmony is poorly so her blog is a bit slow at the moment.
Sapphire is now staring at people when they talk to her and we all just wish that we knew what she was thinking, or maybe we are better off not knowing with her growing up in this mad house. She is still loving the water so I am currently looking into taking her swimming, I need to find out how old they have to be and if they have to have their injections or not.
Anyway I must go now as a little lady has woken up for her feed :-) xx
The baby is so darling...I have two handicapped son's and I agree dont read old book's. My boy's have Duchenne MD. Be strong as you are now and you will make it.
Aw thankyou :-) xx