Saturday 14 January 2012

Finding out I was pregnant

When everyone had told me that life began at 40 I never imagined that I would be giving birth to new life. I had always wanted another child but as a single parent to 2 other girls Summer who is now 12 and Harmony who is 10 (11 next month) I had decided that I was too old to have another child and with Summer and Harmony being the age they were, starting again was a scary thought. I had just spent seven years doing my honours degree in child care and finally getting my Early Years Professional status, I loved my job which was managing a local pre school. My life was perfect and I had got to where I wanted to be.
In the April I found out that I was pregnant, I went through all different emotions, my main thought was about what other people would think. I knew that I could manage and their was no other option in my mind but to have the baby, I was scared to say the least.
I went for all the tests including the blood tests to see if my child had down syndrome, I had my results back of 1 in 200 chance. I just thought that anyone could be that one and no matter what I would have my baby so I didn't have the anmio test.
I was booked in for a cesarean on the 29th December because my other 2 daughters had to be by cesarean too.
The pregnancy was hard and I had morning sickness for the first time, I was so big that I felt like the baby was hanging out quite alot of the time, obviously it wasn't :-). I really did feel my age. I moved house at about 30 weeks pregnant as a bigger house came available.  I took it as both my girls wanted their own rooms and it wouldn't have been possible in the house we were in.
I had so much support throughout my pregnancy from my family, children and friends. I could never thank them enough.

I am going to have to blog off now as I need to grab sleep so that I can function in my old age with all the night feeds :-)

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